Industrial Valves
Freeze Protection Valves
Freeze protection valves for immediate delivery
Best prices in the USA & Canada.
Scald Protection Valves
Scald protection valves at best prices in USA & Canada - Stocking for quick delivery
Best prices anywhere.
Ceramic Valves
Ceresist manufactures ceramic ball valves.
Chemical Valves
All types of valves, any alloy, any type. Swissfluid Teflon Lined Valves
Geothermal Valves
We sell all types of valves, cast steel, alloys, etc., can do trim changes, by-passes, etc.
Top quality valves, quick.
Lined Valves and Components
We supply a full line of Lined valves and components, including: sampling valves and automation.
Swissfluid Valves, all types.
Mining Valves
JB Industrial sells many types of valves for mining service, valves for abrasion, slurry, and corosion. Pinch Valves, Plug Valves, Ball Valves, Diaphram Valves, Knife Gates valves for mining (Urethane Lined, Rubber Lined, Monel Lined, Teflon Lined), Ceramic lined valves, pipe, and fittings.
Valves to Temp. 1800F, any size.
JB Industrial Sales, LLC, can usually make any type of valve you need, we represent many manufacturers, such as:
Fabricast Valve, North Port Valve, , Jarecki Valve, Ceresist, Swissfluid, Pureflex composite valves
Pinch Valves
We sell Pinch Valves for abrasive slurry, Rubber Duck Bill Checks.
Pulp & Paper Valves
Knife Gate Valves for Pulp & Paper for green/black liquor, centricleaners, OCC, rock traps, line blind, heavy stock, HD tower valves, etc. (317SS standard).
Boiler valves, all types, to 4500#, sight glass, water columns.
Stop checks, tilt disc check.
All alloys, Teflon lined, titanium/hastelloy.
Ball valves custom made for severe service, plug valves, pinch valves, tunnel valves.
Sampling valves, freeze and scald protection valves.
Severe Service Valves
For abrasion, corrosion, erosion, high temperature, undersea service.
Titanium / Hastelloy Valves
We hold stock and supply titanium, special alloy & ceramic hastelloy valves.
Tunnel Valves
JB Industrial is a major supplier of Knife Gate Valves for Tunnels, Mining, Pulp & Paper, and any service, any material and trim.
Knife Gate valves made up to 120".
Water & Sewage Valves
JB Industrial stock and sell all types of Knife Gate Valves for Water Treatment, pinch valves for the Municipal market.
- North Port Knife Gates
- Fabricast Knife Gates
- Duck Bill check valves
Valves, All Types
ANY BRAND , All types of Valves, Cast Steel/SS Valves 150 to 1500#, from 3" to 48", any alloy: 316, 317, 254SMO, Titanium, Hastelloy, Inconel. Gates, Globes, Checks (swing, lift, tilt disc, dual plate) Plug Valves, Butterfly Valves, Ball Valves in any end configuration; Flanged, Buttweld, Wafer, Threaded, Grooved, Tongue and Grooved. Sizes 1/2" - 54". Note: JB Industrial can modify valves per customer request. Such as, stem extensions, by-passes, drains, locking devices, trim changes, seat modifications, hardness coating on balls, purge ports, etc.
Knife Gates for: Pulp and Paper, Mining, oil drilling, refineries, Municipal, Water Works, Ship repair. Specialty valves for: Man-Safe vessel entry, sampling valves, quick-opening valves, ratchet handle, gear operated, air and electric actuated, also chain wheel operated available. Roto-Hammer Brand. Teflon Lined Knife Gate Valves also available.
Sizes to 2" to 120".
Stainless Steel, Cast Steel, Iron, Ceramic Lined, Teflon Lined: Gates, Globes, Checks, Ball Valves, Plug Valves, Butterfly Valves, Pinch Valves, Composite material. Pressure class from 125# to 2500#, sizes 1/2" - 54"
Severe Service valves for: digester service, high temperature (1800F), 3 & 4 way valves. Look at www.jareckivalves.net
Forged Steel Valve thru 4500#, any alloy, sizes thru 4"
Contact us about valves @ 503-224-2797
We can have made almost any type of valve you need for your particular application.